Here’s da June’s Monthly journal..
Yeah, I’m almost a week late for posting this because I forgot to add this task into my to-do list.
Few days ago, a friend of mine asked me – “Why your blog is all about anime stuff?”
I wouldn’t surprise she asked me about this, in fact, I expected something like this to be happen. (If you’re an otaku, you’ll understand what I mean here.)
People always brand otakus as a group of creepy geeks… and yeah.. I do admit, some of them are really creepy…
but today, I’m not going to talk about whether otakus are creepy or not, because I don’t have full understanding on this argument… and my English is bad.
I still remember, it was a few semesters back, during a lecture. The lecturer asked a student what is a blog. The student answered, a personal diary.
Yes indeed. Blog = Web Log.
Somehow, a lot of people around me thought that we’re only limited to post our personal stuff in our blog.
Just like writing a real diary.
When I was in secondary school, some of my friends see me as a weirdo cause I kept posting anime stuff on my blog.
Because all of them blogs about their life, camwhores, complains and hatred on their blog..
I just ignored them because I’m doing what I like, what I passion of.
Anyway, back to present time…
We now live in a new era, the brand new age. Don’t always get bounded… try to look everything from a different and wider angle…
Because of this blog, I get to know a lot of people who share the same passion as me, around the world!!
It was one of the greatest thing to update my blog with something I passion of.
The feeling is undescribable.
It seems that I talked too much…
back to the question – “Why your blog is all about anime stuff?”
Because I have the passion towards the Japanese Pop Culture – Otaku culture. I love anime, manga, games, figurines, collectibles, anisong, and MORE.
That’s all… enjoy the photos^^
Driver Hui
mai waifu
BBQ post coming soon.
a visit to King Scout camp coming soon.
3 responses to “2010 June”
sempai, i understand how u felt.
p/s: winding, the most powerful operating system YET!
I’m a ninja reader..Beware….
nice desktop wallpaper 🙂