2011 Minor Updates


Someone sent this dog to track me down.

I know I know…

I went MIA (missing in action) after my birthday post. Heck!! that post just have this sentence – “It’s my day!!!”

I got lazy and can’t come up with any idea for my blogpost…

Anyway, I just went through wordpress’ settings and did some minor changes, nothing obvious tho…

Decided to try using higher resolution photos for upcoming posts. From previously 800px width to 900px. Do let me know if something goes wrong with this update.

and, yes, 2011 Winter season anime has started, and I’m planning to do the first impression posts. Sad case that, I haven’t watch any of them. ><

Oh… Lazyness really caught me..


4 responses to “2011 Minor Updates”

  1. cb dog

  2. Cute pup. yours?

  3. Im sure the spark will come..eventually..
    it took me 3 months lol

    nice dog!

  4. @CK: yes really cb
    @MikeD: well, my family’s.
    @Fabrice: Hope so lol ^^