2012 March

2012 March - 01

I’m losing track of my monthly journal thingy ever since I started my internship. It’s not I’m that busy actually, in fact, I don’t even touch my camera that often anymore.

It doesn’t mean that I don’t like photography anymore, well, you know, I was kinda bored with my camera’s capabilities.

By the way, the photo above was taken when I was attending my friend’s convocation.

2012 March - 02

It was my first time attending someone’s convocation – the speeches given are lengthy and boring as hell.

2012 March - 03

The SLS looks extremely gorgeous.

2012 March - 04

How I spent my book voucher.

2012 March - 05

2012 March - 06

@ Shah Alam Stadium

Hope you enjoyed the photos.

2 thoughts on “2012 March”

  1. Ive never been to convocation before, looks interesting.

    Bored because of hard to find inspiration? or your simply bored..
    haha well that happens to me sometimes.

    1. It was a interesting experience but I might not be attending one again because it was really boring.

      I heard of certain convocation which requires all the attendees to wear costumes.

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