201404 - 01

Pre-GST laptop shopping lol.

The official implementation of the Goods and Services Tax has caused quite a buzz in the market especially the end consumers. No comment on how the government will utilise the collected funds if you know what I mean.

We as a consumer, should understand how the GST actually works instead of just making noises and complaints.

201404 - 02

Company badminton session.

201404 - 06

One of those days where we have the most attendance.

201404 - 03

Received the HTC Desire Eye for review. Wonderful phone albeit a little bit expensive.

Read the review here.

201404 - 04

Some photos taken with the Desire Eye.

201404 - 05

Which it performs relatively well in good lighting situation.

201404 - 07

I moved out from my apartment.

201404 - 08

Moving is such a hassle where you need to spend loads of time and effort in making sure you had everything packed.

Yeah, I have loads of stuff to move, that’s why I hate moving.

Are you one of those bachelor guys who can pack up the clothes and move out immediately?