yee sang

2015 March

yee sang
The must-have dish for Chinese New Year.

As I’m writing this post, looking at the photos taken during the month gave me a feeling as if March has being a really long month.

Yeah, we’re in April and still get to see lunar new year related photos. – Yee Sang during company’s Chinese New Year dinner.

The act of mixing all the ingredients while speaking auspicious wishes is called Lou Sang, aka. Prosperity Toss.

The dish is more like a snack or appetizer instead. And I really like how it tastes with all those mixed ingredients and sauces.

the team
Wonderful folks.

The team I’ve been working closely with for the past 1 year+.

nexus 5
Happy Birthday N5!

Upgraded from HTC Incredible S exactly one year ago.

Best decision ever made. I could vow that a reasonably priced performance smartphone will definitely improve your productivity on mobile.

evening glow
Evening Sunburst.

Evening walk at my apartment.

Sexy signboards.

I simply love to take photos of signboards.

peeking cat
Peeking Cat

The cat at my neighbouring area.

ivy's birthday
Ivy’s Birthday

Ivy’s birthday celebration with her hometown friends.



ching ming 2015
Yearly grave visit to my grandparents.

The second most important festival after Chinese New Year – Ching Ming Festival.