Angel Beats! Episode 13 Graduation

Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 01

The final episode of Angel Beats! – Graduation.

Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 02

The producer of the series is very much confirmed to cut off the story at this point. They just clear off the characters and story in one go..

That means no more sequel for Angel Beats!.. but who knows, maybe there’s Angel Beats! After Story in near future (LOL).

Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 03

3 days after the shadow incident, Yuri returned to her concious..

I had no idea what happened during that few days, and causes the character of Yuri and Kanade changed drastically…

Or is it because they got over with their regrets… and so the personality changed..

Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 04

They had something prepared before the end. It seems Kanade is all hyped up.

That just don’t like the usual cold Kanade…

Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 05

Same goes for Yuri.. which acts more girl-ish.

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Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 07

What they prepared for the end is the Graduation Ceremony for Afterlife Battlefront (SSS)

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LOL at SSS battle anthem, which sounds more like Mapo Tofu Battle Anthem.

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Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 10

Next up, Graduating diploma presentation.. by school principal..

Do notice that Otonashi actually called up eveyone’s full name.

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Tachibana Kanade.

Relax, Kanade.. RELAX~~~~~~~~~

Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 12

Nakamura Yuri.

Seriously.. my emotion reached the danger zone when Yuri read her graduation diploma… not to mention the effect of the soundtrack.

Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 13

Naoi Ayato.

God lol..

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Otonashi Yuzuru and Hinata Hideki.

Best friend ever..

Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 15

Several cut scenes while Otonashi giving his student representative speech..

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Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 17

Naoi started everything…

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give me a hug too..

Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 19


Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 20

Now, left only Otonashi and Kanade.

Otonashi asked Kanade to stay at this world with him, so they could help those who come to this world..

Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 21

Unexpected turn of event.. Otonashi actually confessed to Kanade!! @.@

Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 22

Kanade denied Otonashi’s offer.

(Here comes another shock!!)

In fact Kanade got Otonashi’s donor heart, and she wanted to thank him so badly, even if she’ll disappear.

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Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 24

Maeda-san… You just got me….

Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 25

Living is wonderful.

Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 26

Perhaps the perfect group picture of Angel Beats!…

Love how each character disappear from screen…

I was holding my breath when it comes to the final person, Otonashi. Luckily he disappeared too… (It sucks to be alone.)

Angel Beats! Episode 13 - 27

and finally.. well probably at the real world..

Someone who resemble Otonashi and Kanade..

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Gawddddd…… Hope his hand could reach her.


This episode was amazing.. full of emotion and “Key” guaranteed “make you cry”. QC passed.

The graduation ceremony is genius, it fills the time gap and acts as the parting of the characters…

One thing that’s bugging me is the drastic change of Yuri and Kanade’s personality…. that just doesn’t look normal to me.. I guess that’s another side effect of a fast paced story..

AHH, almost forgot Yuri… her disappearance is way way way way too simple.. and that just look stupid for me.. OUCH..

Anyway, Maeda’s focus is on the importance of appreciating our life and cherish it.. It’s about the lesson we learnt from the story, not the characters..

And lastly, the Otonashi x Kanade part… simply awesome. Otonashi’s confession and Kanade got his donor heart… pure surprise..

mehhh, why 13 episodes only……


3 responses to “Angel Beats! Episode 13 Graduation”

  1. Mike D Avatar
    Mike D

    I’ll be looking for this when we can get here in the
    U.S. Looks interesting.

  2. Kairu90 Avatar

    this show was too sad for me >.< I want Otonashi to be together! I mean they kinda hinted that they would be, but I wanted to be sure if that makes sense.

    I am really hoping there might be an Angel Beats After Story xD Come on Key I know you can do it!

  3. LOL, if there’s Angel Beats! After Story, KEY, please make it 26episodes.