Anime Festival Asia Malaysia 2012 Day 1

AFAMY 2012 - 01

Anime Festival Asia or known as AFA, is Asia’s largest Japanese Pop Culture convention.

Followed by last year’s announcement during AFA 2011 at Singapore, regarding the expansion of AFA to it’s neighbouring countries.

For the very first time, Anime Festival Asia is coming to Malaysia!

AFAMY 2012 - 02

Tickets for Festival and Stage access. That costs RM30 per person.

Although cheaper than what offered for Singapore’s, but still a bit expensive for Malaysia’s standard.

Come on AFA, you can do it.

AFAMY 2012 - 03

AFAMY 2012 - 04

Culture Japan booth. Sweet Mirai BMW itasha.

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Mirai-fied figmas.

AFAMY 2012 - 08

Moekana pack. It’s a pack of cards consisting hiragana that improves the Japanese learning experience.

Know more about Moekana.

AFAMY 2012 - 09

Mirai Touch’nGo card do want!!!

In case you don’t know what is Touch’nGO.

AFAMY 2012 - 10

Yes, that is Danny Choo’s clone. Mirai Clock 3 for iOS.

AFAMY 2012 - 11

I didn’t expect Bandai to have a small booth for AFAMY..

Previously, they could easily take up 20% of the exhibition ground, selling exclusive merchandises as well as regular merchandises.

AFAMY 2012 - 12

Morning “Gordon” Rescue.

Much of my cosplay photos were horrible because of weak lighting in the hall. Unlike Singapore’s Suntec Convention Centre which has a well litted area for cosplayers.

AFAMY 2012 - 13

Doujin artworks.

AFAMY 2012 - 14

Dolfies in the middle of the crowd. I’m amazed that the event attendees are so careful for not tripping on one of them. Good job Malaysians.

nah… Most probably, a large portion of the attendees are anime lovers/otaku/fujoshi hence they’re extra alert in anime conventions.

Sad case for our media guys, I remember I read a news report stating these Dolfies as “Barbie dolls”.

AFAMY 2012 - 15

Maid cafe and Butler cafe. Enjoy cute maids and handsome butlers serving meals for you.

But before that, you need to take up a challenge – queue up for a few hours waiting for your turn.

I turned down the challenge =D.

AFAMY 2012 - 16

They even had a Macross fanclub booth.

Didn’t took much photo although I likes Macross series, thanks to the booth manager who kept watching me all the time. Just like how you go into a shop, then a shop keeper starts to follow you around the store. (common in Malaysia)

It’s a very obvious difference when you go to other booths that maintained by foreign staff.

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Luka <3

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Stage hall is much bigger than Singapore’s.

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SP Cats talk show.

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Out of all photos, this is the best I could get.

My camera’s white balance and other settings are all messed up in the stage hall.

AFAMY 2012 - 21

Day 1 Anisong performer appearance, excluding Yoshimi and Danny at both sides, Aimi (2nd left), Kalafina (middle trio), and Maon (2nd right).

I’m not really a fan of any of them, but I do know that Kalafina is quite popular for their vocals as well as Maon for her powerful voice. Aimi is still new tho, best of luck for her future development.

AFAMY 2012 - 22

Danny’s session is about the same as any of his other talks previously – about himself and advises on how to become as successful as him. It was an inspiring talk, even his dad, Jimmy Choo, came to support him.

I’m not sure if there’s anyone recorded the whole hour of talk..

“Identify and live your passion and the rest will just follow – it always does.” – Danny Choo.

Day 2 coming soon.


One response to “Anime Festival Asia Malaysia 2012 Day 1”

  1. RM30 is actually quite cheap considering what you get on stage. Even for school kids nowadays, most of them are spending more on junk food/gadgets