Author: John
Miku Expo 2017 Coming to Malaysia
Yesterday I was lucky enough to be able to attend the Miku Expo 2017 press conference which held at TGV Cinemas, One Utama yesterday. The press conference answers quite a number of questions that I had when they first revealed the news. Crypton Future Media x Astro MEASAT Broadcast Network Systems Sdn Bhd or better known…
AniManGaki 2017: Cosplay Photos & Afterthoughts
AniManGaki 2017 has been amazing and here are my afterthoughts and photos of the cosplayers at the event.
My Experience with Transcend StoreJet Cloud as a Photographer
The camera quality on smartphones these days have been getting a lot better. Frankly speaking, I am taking a lot more photographs on a smartphone because the best camera is the one I have with me. Hence, data storage is extremely important for us photographers and that’s exactly why today I’m going to talk about…
Bon Odori 2017
Back to another year of Bon Odori. This year we are lucky to have great sunny weather and that definitely contributes to the larger crowd over here at Stadium Matsushita. Best of all, the fireworks are back and I have to say it was amazing which I totally enjoyed.
Neregate closes down on April 13th
If you’re my regular visitor, then you should be knowing that previously I’ve been posting about my planned anime watchlist for the seasonal anime based on the anime chart provided by Uncle Zana from Neregate. Imagine how my heart sank when I read the title of the sticky post published on Neregate’s site.
Pay Back What You Owe
I had the idea of writing this for quite some time, but never really gave it a go until today. This is about the student loan fiasco that we had for quite some time in Malaysia. Regarding how the ex-students are avoiding payment of their student loans and how the government is now taking drastic actions…
Moving Forward
It has been 3 months since I left my previous company to embark on my own journey. Spent the first month sorting out the post-stress condition while preparing for the road ahead. Then it was a struggle to pull me together trying to make the most out of the day. I remember trying to achieve…
New Phase of Life
First, I must say my appreciation to all of you who reads this post, especially those who has been following me closely for the past few years. THANK YOU for your support on my humble little blog. Despite the fact that I have left this blog unattended for almost 1 year due to my work,…
Event Information: Animax Carnival Malaysia 2016
KONNICHIWA! COME EXPERIENCE AUTHENTIC ANIME DELIGHTS AT ANIMAX CARNIVAL MALAYSIA 2016 KUALA LUMPUR, 20 February 2016 – Get set to be electrified, as Malaysia’s most exciting and anticipated anime and Japanese pop culture convention – Animax Carnival Malaysia 2016 is back! Organized by Asia’s top anime channel, Animax (Astro Channel 715), the carnival is set…
2016 Winter Anime Watchlist
It’s that time again for my seasonal anime watchlist update. 2015 has been a hectic year in my work life and I literary lost quite a chunk of my free time to it. Luckily, the anime lineup for last year was very well distributed throughout the seasons and I was able to finish most of…