Category: Anime

  • Nisekoi – Episode 20 End

    Finished the series. Took me longer than I expected. It is an enjoyable series just that I don’t understand why they don’t make it a 26 episode instead of 20.

  • Nisekoi Episode 11 – Getting into business

    Finally we’re getting into business. Onodera vs Kirisaki

  • First Impression: Nisekoi

    Just completed 2 episodes of this series, it’s been quite some time since my last romance comedy. Thought the animation is done by SHAFT, but to my surprise, they’re holding back at the artwork and animation. Well not in a bad way, just it doesn’t feel like the usual SHAFT. Anyway, my first impression on…

  • First Impression: Kill la Kill

    From the creators of “Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann” and “Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt”, what else you can’t expect of? This is an anime that packs energy, speed as well as randomness. Everything is constantly moving and you don’t even have a chance to catch a breath. And…. That’s the style that makes it different from…

  • 2014 Spring Anime Watchlist

    You know the drill, it’s time for another season of anime. Once again thanks to Zana at Neregate for the season’s chart. The coming season has quite a lot of titles and it took me quite some time to quickly go through all of them. Thank goodness I don’t really have any particular titles that…

  • 2014 Winter Anime Watchlist

    Photo entitled – Cappuccino, credits to TID@3日目東P28b Yet another late entry of my season watchlist. In fact we’re already 2 weeks into the 2014 Winter season and most of the shows have already aired. Once again, thanks to neregate for his anime chart for the season.

  • First Impression: Ikoku Meiro no Croisee

    It’s been a while since I last wrote anything about anime or whatsoever.. Not because I’m losing passion in anime or writing, just that I choose to spend my free time on either watching anime or other things.. Perhaps one would understand better when 1/3 of his 24 hour is already spent on his work.…

  • 2013 Autumn Anime Watchlist

    image source: 秋来ないかなー by さでん I was having quite a backlog on my previous season series, but somehow that’s consider as another type of pros as I don’t need to keep refresh each series’ fansub site for new episode. As always, thanks to neregate for the chart. Click on the thumbnail and head over to…

  • 2013 Summer Anime Watchlist

    Photo credit: Y-K on Pixiv Time flies, with a blink of an eye it’s already July… Which means we’re half way through the year 2013. As always, thanks to Neregate for providing us the anime season charts. You may click on the oversized-thumbnail and get the full-res chart at Neregate’s site.

  • First Impression: Valvrave the Liberator

    Try to pronounce Valvrave in Japanese > barubureibu… some sort of tongue twister It’s been quite a while since I last had a new mecha series in my watchlist. This season we have Valvrave the Liberator which seems quite promising. Not sure if this is another overbudget commercial for Bandai’s upcoming product or a hidden gem.