Category: Blog/Site Update

  • New Phase of Life

    New Phase of Life

    First, I must say my appreciation to all of you who reads this post, especially those who has been following me closely for the past few years. THANK YOU for your support on my humble little blog. Despite the fact that I have left this blog unattended for almost 1 year due to my work,…

  • Back in next week

    Final Year Project due next week, I’m in the most critical situation. Wish me luck, I’ll be back soon.

  • New Home

    Bad news first: JohnDiew0107 expired… Due to several issues with the registrar company, I couldn’t get it activated… The domain is basically under coma status… I tried to get it back… The customer service ask me to wait until they find out the issue… Losing hope.. Losing readership… I’m depressed… Good news later: I registered…

  • 2011 Minor Updates

    Someone sent this dog to track me down. I know I know… I went MIA (missing in action) after my birthday post. Heck!! that post just have this sentence – “It’s my day!!!” I got lazy and can’t come up with any idea for my blogpost… Anyway, I just went through wordpress’ settings and did…

  • 2010 in review by WordPress

    Found this little mail in my e-mail inbox which generated by WordPress to help me conclude how well my blog’s been. The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health: The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Wow. Crunchy numbers A helper monkey…

  • Some Updates – AFA X

    Sorry for the lack of post recently… All kinds of things happened and certainly I’m not enjoying the week… Anyway, tonight I’ll be heading to Singapore to attend the Anime Festival Asia X. Sad case that I couldn’t attend for Singapore CGM night that organized by DannyChoo because I’m leaving SG on Monday morning while…

  • marks 5th Anniversary of Blogging

    First of all, I want to announce that is no more… Sadly we have to say goodbye to that domain because…… I just registered as the new domain. Thanks to Kyle’s (Kairu90) encouragement, I took some time study about domain and web hosting. So, here’s what we have now~ JohnDiew0107 5th Anniversary The…

  • JohnDiew0107 – 2010 Updates

    New year, New Updates. For 2010, I’ve done some changes or updates to this blog, well, although some already up-n-running for quite some while already, but I think it would be nice if I could explain them in this post.

  • General! Our Base is under Attack!

    To my fellow readers and comrades: My PC is being attacked by an unknown creature or perhaps virus/trojans/spyware. It made my HTML coding screwed up… thus my latest anime review, “GHOST HOUND” is out of its shape… In order to recover from the attack I have to find out what actually is going on… Therefore,…

  • List of pending updates…

    As I said in last post that I’m going to update my burogu within these few days… However I think I only could manage to do it on Monday or if possible Sunday… The reasons are: I just came back from KL… I’m going outstation tomorrow… so hereby I let you folks know my pending…