Category: Photography

  • 2015 with LX3 – Decision Made

    2015 with LX3 – Decision Made

    Week 18 of 52 Last week, I stumbled across an article about confronting and resolving something that goes against our will. It was a meaningful article speaking of voicing out our thoughts instead of blindly accept everything others throw at us. Just few days ago, I had to reject a house rental contract due to the…

  • 2015 with LX3 – Confusion Mosaic

    2015 with LX3 – Confusion Mosaic

    Week 17 of 52 Looking at the blank screen, thinking back everything that happened in just these few days… Things didn’t turn out as what we expected especially when they goes against our will.

  • 2015 with LX3 – Badminton

    2015 with LX3 – Badminton

    Week 16 of 52 Picked up badminton since early of the year after dropping cycling with all sort of excuses. Badminton is kind of fun in certain way, but at the end of the day, I still prefer cycling tho…

  • 2015 with LX3 – Rooftops

    2015 with LX3 – Rooftops

    Week 15 of 52 I do know that a large part of Kuala Lumpur (KL) is still covered with old buildings especially those shop lots which could date back to 1960s. But most of the time I would be the one who drives, so I rarely pay close attention to the buildings along the road.…

  • 2015 with LX3 – Filthy Kitchen

    2015 with LX3 – Filthy Kitchen

    Week 14 of 52 I was wrong when I thought I could leave the kitchen sink and waste bin stacking game after I left university. There’s no escape from this game!

  • 2015 with LX3 – Notes

    2015 with LX3 – Notes

    Week 13 of 52 Pens and Papers – I still have the love of taking physical notes despite we’re living in the digital era where our smart devices are so efficient and convenient in helping us organized. The feeling of actually holding the pen and writing on a piece of paper is so extremely satisfying.…

  • 2015 with LX3 – Worth It

    2015 with LX3 – Worth It

    Week 12 of 52 There’s a saying in Chinese, “钱乃身外物”, which implies Money will come and go and is not an inherent part of the human being. What important is the well spent money would bring us an irreplaceable living experience and what not, self growth which will eventually empower our viewpoint in dealing with…

  • Kampar Night Walk

    Kampar Night Walk

    UTAR, just like any other universities, would organise some sort of career fair every academic semester, hoping to expose the students to the potential employers before they graduate. Due to the great experience from the employed UTAR students as well as close relationship between the faculty and company management, my company once again attended the…

  • 2015 with LX3 – Forgotten SIM Card

    2015 with LX3 – Forgotten SIM Card

    Week 11 of 52 So, about 1 year ago, we got this prepaid SIM card from the red camp because of a few reasons:- Free low bandwidth data for business communication purposes, eg WhatsApp We have yellow camp SIMs already. Other camps need monthly subscription for data. The sales person at the official store told us that…

  • 2015 with LX3 – Highlights

    2015 with LX3 – Highlights

    Week 10 of 52 Ignorance can be a bliss. Throughout the 5 years ownership of LX3, my style of shooting has been “shoot and believe”.