Chinese New Year 2015

2015 Chinese New Year - 32

Chap Goh Mei or Lantern Festival just ended as I’m writing this article. It marks the end of the 15-days-long Chinese New Year celebration.

What did you do to celebrate the most *AMAZING* festive season of the year?

On the side note, I’ve been thinking to overhaul everything in my blog, especially with the plan of moving all the photos from Flickr to my WordPress hosting itself. This proves to be a huge challenge and we’ll see how everything turns out.

I’ll leave you guys with the photos I’ve taken during the eve, first day of CNY and the day after.


One response to “Chinese New Year 2015”

  1. Fabrice Avatar

    Happy belated new lunar year to you. The pictures look Great not the mention it seems like you had a nice feats! Always something I look forward to every year not the mention the ang pao!