Fate Testarossa ~Phantom Minds~ by ALTER

Fate Testarossa ~Phantom Minds~ - 01

Fate Testarossa ~Phantom Minds~

Scale: 1/7

Sculpter: Tsumeduka Hiroyuki

Manufacturer: Alter

Original: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 1st

Release Date: 2010 November

Retail Price: 11800yen

Information from: HobbySearch

Behold the loli power,

Behold the Fate Testarossa figure from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 1st.

I’ve yet to watch the movie which is the re-telling of Nanoha’s first season’s story, but the figure looks awesomely good.

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Bardiche looks cool too.

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Her cloak looks amazing..

ehhemm.. low angle shot..

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Part swapping for another pose.

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Bardiche in * form. (fill in da blank)

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This will takes up quite a lot of space..

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close up.

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Fate Testarossa ~Phantom Minds~ - 13

Anyone getting her? I bet those Nana/Fate fans would definitely get their hands on her.

but 11k yen?? no……


2 responses to “Fate Testarossa ~Phantom Minds~ by ALTER”

  1. Fabrice Avatar

    I would get her actually, but then again, looking at the price gives me a headache. too expensive. =/

    Shame since she looks flawless =D

    1. looking forward for your blogpost about this figure =P