Happy Father’s Day 2010

Father's Day 2010

The third Sunday of June is Father’s Day (varies from country to country), the day to celebrate and appreciate the efforts of a father on his family.

Currently I’m updating through my hometown’s PC… Yeah, I wanted to celebrate it with my family.. but too bad that my father is not around as he went off for a business trip. I guess a heart-filled mail or a phone call would do the job.

Anyway, Happy Father’s Day to my dad, my dad’s dad, my mom’s dad and to all the fathers and father-to-be out there.

For those non-fathers, well… either you’re to young to be a father (like me), or still finding the perfect partner.. all the best for y’all. hehe


1 thought on “Happy Father’s Day 2010”

  1. Happy Belated Father’s Day to you too ^^ I spent the day at home with wife and son.

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