Intel Core 2 Duo E7600


The Central Processing Unit for Project DR. Intel Core 2 Duo E7600 3.06GHz 1066MHz 3MB L2 cache.


As typical Intel’s box design, you could take a peek at the processor from the top of the box.


Open box reveals the stock heat sink + fan.


Included in the package are, Processor, heat sink + fan, user manual, and a sticker..


Some details of the processor.


Back view.


I wonder why the heat sink feel much more lighter and smaller if compared with other series such as PentiumD or Core2Quad. The aluminium fins seems to be not very dense…

So, I was planning to get a Core2Quad for the project initially, but soon decide to go for a better dual core due to the budget restraint. The owner wants a full set PC including the 23″ monitor, sound system, and cordless keyboard & mouse.

But, since he/she just need a PC that could surf Internet, watch HD movies… so, this processor would do the job.