First of all, I want to announce that is no more…
Sadly we have to say goodbye to that domain because……
I just registered as the new domain.
Thanks to Kyle’s (Kairu90) encouragement, I took some time study about domain and web hosting. So, here’s what we have now~
JohnDiew0107 5th Anniversary
The month of August & September marks the birthday of this blog. (2 days to go~)
Why August & September?? Well… Many moons ago~~~
2005 September, I started blogging on WindowsLiveSpace. This is the starting of everything lol~.
2007 August, I created an account on WordPress… but first post was only done on October because that time I was stick to Windows Live Space.
2008 August, I turned over to WordPress. So, this is the reborn.
Anyway, I’m still thinking of any activity to celebrate it…
Link/Banner Exchange
Another thing is that, yeah y’all know about it – blogroll~~
What is Link/Banner Exchange?
Link/Banner exchange is just like name-card exchange.But instead of name-cards, we exchange our blog/website’s link.However, this program is not just as simple as just “link exchange” only.
Why Share?
The theory is simple, by placing each others link/banner on our sites, this means we share our readers. This is what Internet is made for – SHARING.
Sharing is Caring.
By sharing our readers, we can further promote the Japanese Pop Culture, and of course expect the growth of our fellow otaku bloggers’ sphere.
Leave a comment or email me at johndiew0107[AT]hotmail[DOT]com, if you’re interested.
Head over Link/Banner Exchange page if you want to know more.
and here’s the banners, feel free to resize it.
If the pictures ain’t working, please use the following URLs.
6 responses to “ marks 5th Anniversary of Blogging”
congratz on ur domain
but my opinion is that i find abit difficult to remember ur domain name. eventhough i rely on RSS for updates on all my following blogs but still, the thing that people want is something easy to remember or memorable. that’s my 2cents only. xD cheers
other that might excite u “maybe” is YTLC is going to provide free 4G services to staff and students of UTAR.
they have start from somewhere… right???
I do considered of using as the new domain name… but decided not to use it because currently, my emails and other identities are called “JohnDiew0107”
about the free 4G service… Saw the news at UTAR’s site yesterday.. so far the memorandum just signed on 27th July.. It’ll some time until the launch..
It is just my opinion on it.
But after nearly being a site admin for some websites over the years and playing around with SEOs, analytics and stuff (irony is I don’t have a personal site), I notice some popular trends related to domain names. I not going to explain all but simple ones are like less than 10 character domain (actually its about being short but 20 character above is too much), use numbers only when necessary (usually its not recommend use numbers in “most cases”), domain name thats makeup by 1 or 2 words only & 3 or above is less undesirable(i don’t know why but that’s how most site are >.< ), NO l33t words (Its not a password), meaningful domain that's related to the site or person (yes, i know. i'm captain obvious).
Again, this is my opinion and perception based on my experience. But on the contrary, the first domain I even help register almost violated everything i said above. Haha
On the 4G wimax, the other problem is actually have a wimax enabled device to access the network. I believe YTL can deliver by next year since their the last Wimax provider in Malaysia that has yet to deliver on its promise. and they wouldn't want to upset MCMC, do they?
nice job you have there =)
when you mentioned of it… the device limitation is another problem… hope to hear more about this project from them.
COngratz!!! wow 5 years =)
your like a senior blogger! ^^
anyway hope this year will be a good one!
Boo~~ I can’t be a senior cause I wasted the first 2years+ ranting useless stuff… that’s before I discover