K-ON! Opening and Ending Themes

Cagayake! GIRLS

Sakurakou K-ON BU (Toyasaki Aki & Hisaka Youko & Satou Satomi & Kotobuki Minako)

Track List:

  1. Cagayake! GIRLS
  2. Happy!? Sorry!!
  3. Cagayake! GIRLS (Instrumental)
  4. Happy!? Sorry!! (Instrumental)

Cagayake! GIRLS, K-ON! anime OP

Don’t say “lazy”

Sakurakou K-ON BU (Toyasaki Aki & Hisaka Youko & Satou Satomi & Kotobuki Minako)

Track List:

  1. Don’t say “lazy”
  2. Sweet Bitter Beauty Song
  3. Don’t Say “lazy” (Instrumetal)
  4. Sweet Bitter Beauty Song (Instrumental)

Don’t say “lazy”, K-ON! anime OP

I’m so happy today, today would be a good day. Why? Because I got these 2 singles this morning. K-ON! opening theme and ending theme singles. Both singles were released few days ago. Love both songs especially the ending song, [Don’t say “lazy”], it rocks!!!