Our New Base

Photo taken on 18th… more tidy… By the way You may click on the photos for larger resolution.

Today, 24th May 2009, officially moved into our new base… Almost everything is ready – working streamyx, electricity, water, television, gas stove and etc…

Took some photos using my poor cell phone… From the entrace. We park our bicycle indoor.

Dining room… with a fridge and bunch-o-foods…

First room, Jayremy’s room

Second room, Robert’s. Photo taken using panorama mode.

Thrid, HuiHui and me.

5 thoughts on “Our New Base”

  1. hey!! the furniture looks familiar…….wakakakakakak!! miss the time when we based in cy’s house….

  2. walao!!! that cy…still the same…i saw two tins of jacob…tsk tsk tsk….when is he going to slim down….

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