Paparazzi Prom Night

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My first prom night was Information & Communication Technology faculty’s prom night. I guess I didn’t mention anything about it. Part of the reason is I forgot my camera at home that time.

Anyway here’s my second prom night to date – Biological Science Society’s Paparazzi Prom Night.

A house-mate of mine is a committee member of the event, and my friends and I are all invited to attend. Of course we still have to pay for the tickets. =D

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The lovely ladies~

Guys, please don’t drool all over the place.

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Cool Guys

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And stalkers photographers.

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Sexy Tiger Han & lovely Ivy (left to right)

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The elegant pair, Apple & LinYun. (left to right)

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The foods are ready!! Cheese~

Ying looks superbly matured, totally different from her usual pro-active image. KaiSun is as cheerful as usual. =D

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Met a friend which we know each other from a soft-skill talk.

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Live performances = the best.

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We’re cool.

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Prom King and Prom Queen.

Err… just don’t mention how they we’re chosen, I seriously don’t know.

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The night ends with Got-Zeal-Lah’s performance.

FYI, Got-Zeal-Lah is UTAR’s most POWER rock band. I mean it.

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Their Facebook page.

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He loves them.

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Yeah, they’re crazy.

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Truly crazy.

I learns and plays guitar by myself for almost 2 years already, my knowledge is pretty much limited because I learn only the practical stuff, ignoring those boring theories. Perhaps I should find myself a PRO to teach me.

The night was awesome. Met loads of friends, and made a couple of new friends too.

Get off from your Facebook and get socialized!!


2 responses to “Paparazzi Prom Night”

  1. Fabrice Avatar

    Never went to a prom, but great you had fun!

    1. Yeah, meeting friends and making new friends is great.