Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photo Walk 2011 Kampar

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Scott Kelby, an American photographer and author organized this annual worldwide event for the fourth time. Despite being quite active on Internet as a photographer and geek, what a shame that I never heard of this event until someone lead the walk for Kampar area. *That someone is Lee Sheng Wang.

The event is also a kind of photography contest which photowalkers are to upload their photos, get loads of votes and win prizes.

Due to our semester holiday, we had the walk long after the dead line. Hey, it’s about photography. Win or whatsoever ain’t important.

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What is photo walk?

As the name suggest, it is a kind of street photography. Photographers walk and take spontaneous photographs rather than specific documentary photography.

Luckily, the weather on that day was gorgeous.

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We have around 10 – 20 photographers and all kinds of camera!! D-SLR, SLR, Pro-Compact, compact and even LOMOs. Mine is Lumi-chan.

I shall leave you guys with the photos, enjoy.

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It is my very first photo walk / street photography. Awesome experience I must say.

Unlike any planned photo shooting, street photography is quite challenging because of the ever changing environment such as crowd, weather and the subject. We also experienced that how the people see us as a group of weirdos taking photos of everything.

Another thing is, since we’re doing street photography, we need to learn of the right street photography etiquette. We had quite a few experienced photographers in the group and I’m absolutely admire them for being so skilled, knowledgeable and always ask before taking photos of others. Some of us just snap whatever they like and end up being scolded by the locals. Probably they’re not doing it on purpose because the’re not aware of the correct method or the locals scare that we’re gonna do *something* with their photograph.


2 responses to “Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photo Walk 2011 Kampar”

  1. OMG those pictures
    and the other one is lovely! i want to just grab them and runaway haha

    1. hahaha glad that you like the photos. Those are critical ingredients for making awesome dishes.