Tag: Anime
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou – Episode 09
The feel of laughing your ass off. This anime is way too crazy.
Lightning First Impression: Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
After watching the first episode, I think it was so-so. There are several mini chapters packed in an episode, but only half of them could really make me laugh like mad man. Thus, the gag is either hit or miss. Nevertheless, it’s a good anime for a good laugh and time killing.
2012 Winter Anime Watchlist
We’re now in second week of the season, and I’m terribly late for the season’s anime watchlist. As always, thanks to neregate for the chart. Click on the picture or link to visit his website to download full size chart. “ From the chart, one could obviously notice the line up is kinda weak, that’s typical…
2011 Autumn Anime Watchlist
Autumn is fast coming, heck I still haven’t touched my Summer season anime… Thanks to Neregate for the chart, click on the thumbnail for high-res chart. At a glance, I could see that next season is gonna packed with loads of promising titles, especially those sequels.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Episode27
All you bozos should watch this anime!!! What the hell do you think it is? It’s Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!!!
First Impression: 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku
Massacred by censorship I shall start my 2011 Spring season’s anime first impression post with this series. When I read the synopsis of this show, to be frank, I think the idea is interesting.