Tag: Anime

  • 2011 Spring Anime Watchlist

    Late… In courtesy of nelson☆彡 and The Cart Driver, here are the 2011 Spring preview charts. Click the pictures for higher resolution chart. From the chart, I’m a bit disappointed with the season’s anime lineup. There isn’t any series that I’m really looking forward to. In fact, the only titles that I have high hopes on are…

  • First Impression: Beelzebub

    Beezlebub? Bleezebub? Beezelbub? LOL Continuing with winter season, the second series featured in my first impression post is “Beelzebub”.

  • First Impression: Mitsudomoe Zouryouchuu!

    Not Mitsudomoe!!! The previous season of Mitsudomoe was a blast and I enjoyed watching the series. For 2011 Winter season, Mitsudomoe is back!!

  • 2011 Winter Anime Watchlist

    The autumn season’s anime is coming to an end, this means new series are gonna start soon. This is just great, I still had loads of anime in my watch list and they keep on increasing.. Same goes for my loads anime reviews in my draft list. Anyway, I’ll try to complete as many as…

  • First Impression: Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai

    Do you have a younger sister? Do you want a younger sister who loves eroge and anime? In fact, I have a younger sister but sadly, she don’t have any interest in those fields. T.T Anyway, another (long delayed) first impression post – Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai (My sister…

  • 2010 Autumn Anime Watchlist

    Time passes… Without noticing, Autumn is drawing near… Ew.. I thought Summer season just started recently.. As always, in courtesy of Chartfag and TheCartDriver, both of them did an awesome job providing us anime otakus a list of upcoming season’s anime. check their site for larger resolution of the chart. Here’s my watchlist for the…

  • K-ON!! Episode 20

    The 20th episode of K-ON!!… is simply amazing… I thought there would be something about the concert because of the new song, but who would thought of… a simple conversation between the girls would make me… (ehem..) It reminds me of my secondary school times… For those who don’t know what is K-ON!, seriously, you…

  • Mitsudomoe Episode 04

    Kuma panties on head Because this episode made me laugh so hard… The scenes are priceless…

  • First Impression: Seitokai Yakuindomo

    Continue with the first impression post… Today we’ll have Seitokai Yakuindomo. The story is about Takatoshi Tsuda, our male lead who just enrolled into Ousai Academy. He is one of the first batch of male students of the recent gender-integrated school. He met several girls on his first day of school, who appears to be…

  • First Impression: HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD

    Spring is here, for the zombies. Because of my mid term tests and practical assessments, all of my first impression posts and anime review posts are delayed. I also cancelled my plan for doing Highschool of the Dead (HOTD) episode review, due to my coming final examinations around September. Highschool of the Dead, or HOTD…