Tag: K-ON!
K-ON! boost Headphone and Mobile phone Sales
According to a Japanese blog of a headphone store, E-Earphone blog, the headphone, AKG K701 was sold out for the first time ever since the opening of the shop. This is unbelievable, AKG K701 is a high performance headphone which costs 74,900yen or around RM1500. Just because Mio used the headphone in episode 5, the…
K-ON! episode 06 – School Festival!
Warning, Spoilers ahead. Finally, 6th episode, long awaited school festival. Mio-chan went to the clubroom, intending to practice before the performance, but found no one inside… because everyone are busy with their duty… Yui’s class is doing some sort of yakisoba (fried noodles) cafe.. While Ritsu’s class is doing a haunted house, which she’s busy…
K-ON! Episode 05 – Advisor!
WARNING! Spoilers ahead… After the moe-overloading episode 4, this week’s episode 5 is about something crazy… I mean REALLY CRAZY, everything are out of control… Why? because of “Death Devil”… Through internet, we know that the next episode, episode 6, is entitled “School Festival”, which means that Keion-bu will perform on that day. However, when…
K-ON! Episode 4 – Training Camp(?)
WARNING! Spoilers ahead It’s episode 4, the long awaited sea+bikini+girls+Mio+moe = pure awesome episode. It’s summer and Mio suggested that to have a special training camp for their band during the summer break because their band never played any music together before… Yui still can’t play very well… That’s a factor too… It is more…
K-ON! Opening and Ending Themes
Cagayake! GIRLS Sakurakou K-ON BU (Toyasaki Aki & Hisaka Youko & Satou Satomi & Kotobuki Minako) Track List: Cagayake! GIRLS Happy!? Sorry!! Cagayake! GIRLS (Instrumental) Happy!? Sorry!! (Instrumental) Cagayake! GIRLS, K-ON! anime OP Don’t say “lazy” Sakurakou K-ON BU (Toyasaki Aki & Hisaka Youko & Satou Satomi & Kotobuki Minako) Track List: Don’t say “lazy”…
K-ON! Episode 3 – Special Training
WARNING! Spoilers ahead. Horray, 3rd episode of K-ON! In this episode, their club is having a crisis, which they would be disbanded if Yui doesn’t pass the exam. Yui failed her test and have to retake her test. If she fail again, she would be banded from club activities, which means Light Music club have…
K-ON! Episode 2 – Instrument!
Warning, Spoilers ahead. Second episode of K-ON!, this episode is about getting a guitar for Yui. The episode starts by introducing every light music club’s member and why they choose their present instruments. Akiyama Mio, She chooses bass because she is a shy girl. She said that a guitarist is just like the core of…
K-ON! Episode 1
New anime series of 2009 Spring season – K-ON!. The first episode was aired on 3rd April. Watched fansubbed version last night, It is so great that I decided to blog about this anime. If you guys wondering why this anime’s title is K-ON!, this is because in Japanese, “K-ON” has the same pronunciation as…