TimeTable of PLKN

Long awaited PLKN post… Like what I said before, I’ll try to categorize everything in a series of topics, such as Food in PLKN, Dorms in PLKN and etc…

To make things easier, below is the simple timetable you have to follow if you’re in PLKN.

  • 6.30am – Morning exercise
  • 7.30am – Breakfast
  • 8.30am – Class
  • 10.30am – Tea break
  • 11.00am – continue class
  • 12.30pm – Lunch & rest (on Friday, 12noon)
  • 2.30pm – Physical Class (on Friday, 2.45pm)
  • 4.30pm – Tea Break
  • 5.30pm – Recreation
  • 6.15pm-8.30pm – Dinner
  • 7.00pm-9.00pm – Malays go pray
  • 7.30pm-9.00pm – Chinese/Indians gather at hall
  • 9.00pm – Night activity (watch DVD or something else)
  • 10.30pm – Supper
  • 11.30pm – Lights off

Got the idea? This is what we NS trainees did everyday.. I’ll simply explain the timetable for you guys. By the way, this is what I had at Kem Terkok. I can’t guarantee that all the camps are having 100% same timetable, there will be some minor difference…

Timetable stated that 6.30am for morning exercise… That means you gonna set your feet on the marching field at that time. Many people ask me what time have to wake up…. lol it depends on you… some people would wear the PE suit when he goes to bed, then the 2nd day, around 6.25am wake up and straight go to marching field. ^^

After morning exercise, 7.30am until 8.30am is breakfast time, you’re not being forced to eat on 7.30am. Some prefer to have a bath first then only take their breakfast. I’ll further talk about the food in later posts. After that we’re required to wear our class uniform, class time… Well, in PLKN we have 3 major classes, Kelas Pembinaan Karakter (Character Building Class), Program Intergrasi (Intergration Programme) and Kelas Kenegaraan (Nationality Class). I’ll explain those in future.

From 8.30am until 12.30pm, class time… tea break on 10.30am… Then 12.30pm, lunch time… On friday, we’re 30minutes earlier to have our lunch because the Malays have to go to Mosque…

2.30pm… nightmares… You know 2.30pm is so damn hot in Malaysia, and yet they choose that time for outdoor activities… I’m gonna kill the person who thought of this idea… I didn’t meant that we can’t endure the hot sun, but why we’re so stupid until to have physical activities under that freaking HOT SUN!!!

4.30pm tea break… and then 5.30pm, recreation time… Football, volleyball, and sometimes aerobic dancing… lol..

6.15pm until 8.30pm, dinner time, same as other meals, you can eat within that period of time… Malays need to be ready on 7pm, because they have to go to surau to pray… while chinese and indians gather at the hall. We had some games or just chit-chat while waiting the time to past…

9.00pm, night activity… usually we watch DVD this time… Character building’s DVD, or PLKN’s DVD. Other activities such as medical speech, show or others also held on that time.

Until 10.30pm, we had our supper then gather again to sing National song and PLKN song… After that… this is exclusive in Kem TERKOK only… We Wira (Boys) have to kawad around the volleyball court for 1 round, after that we’re only allowed to go back to dorm… =.= I have no idea why we need to do that.. our trainers said it was camp commander’s new rule…

Phew… Thats all about the time table… Still more to write about.. stay tuned for next PLKN post. ^^

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