Two Days of Tiredness (Part 1 of 2)

Howdy folks, was having all sorts of activities in this 2 days… Finally I could sit back and write a blog about what I’ve done with ChoonYong.

Starting 18th March 2009 (Wednesday)

Went to Lumut with ChoonYong by cycling. Once again, our mission is to hill/jungle trek at Bukit Engku Busu. We get our supplies from 7-11 and take off around 7am to Bukit Engku Busu. As always, we spent around 45minutes to reach our destination.

Yah… I know this is crazy… Triple Lock System.

The terrain changed due to extreme weather, 100% because of heavy rain.

We took quite a lot photos. OMG…

Found something… who could this be…

We spent around 100minutes to go up and down the hill, including resting. When we prepare to leave the place, I found that, my bike’s rear tyre is flat… The worst case is, we couldn’t found any bicycle shop at Lumut… We choose to walk… From 10pm…

Until 12noon, we reached Billion Shopping Centre, get my bike repaired, then had our lunch at McDee.

After that, we went to buy some CD-R, then we went to school to visit our junior scouts. We kacau around for a while, then we went to Cosplay CC… to discuss which college and which course to take… I couldn’t believe myself that I still can hold on, despite after doing those extreme things in the morning…

Even though we went to hill/jungle trek at Bukit Engku Busu for numerous times, however, we enjoyed ourselves so much on that day.


6 responses to “Two Days of Tiredness (Part 1 of 2)”

  1. yongying Avatar

    if i were to be you…i’ll sure be in the hospital right now after this extremely exhausted activity that i wont ever want to take part at all… XD

  2. verycurious Avatar

    (T.T) i ENVY u john!!!!!!!

  3. Yongying: not that serious gua, we just get minor sunburn because we walked 2 hours from Lumut to McDee…

    Verycurious: youth is limited, Study Hard, Play Hard… XD

  4. call me..haha..

  5. U seem stil wanna be in ns.. ==

  6. Adencx: lol…nightmare type training… xD