Teachers’ Day
Finally, the teachers’ day celebration is over… thank goodness..
since the photos are not with me.. and the story is VERY LONG.. so I’m going to write it after exam.. this is a promise… ^^
2nd just ended… and 1 more week to go… this time really really KO already…
for screwing up lots of papers… even those simple papers…
by the way, how y’all write essays? it seems that y’all can write a lot of things… I found this out when looking around during exam… the essays are packed with paragraphs of words.. (i’m not try to cheat…) ^^ just curious about it…
ah…. my room… what a mess.. being lazy to clean up for the reason of EXAM.. ^^ hope my mom wont find it out before I clean it after exam…
Attention Please
This J-Drama is currently airing in 8TV… 3.00pm on Sundays… The story is about cabin attendants. It is a nice J-drama.
I finished this show recently, because… ^^ I downloaded it.. and SUCCESSFULLY “lure” my sister to watch her first J-Drama… (two-thumbs-up) ^^ yay
Last time, I said that writing/editing blogs in wordpress is a pain… and my Windows Live Space is in a poor state, which spends a few centuries for loading into it…
So, I fix the problem… and now.. I’m officially move my main base to here… Until I have my own website…
Thank you for supporting, muacks.. =3
2 responses to “WEEK’O 5”
sigh exams..essays? just crap everything you know la. the examiners don’t give a shit whether it’s real or not as long it’s written fluently and with good moral values. =D
so bad..lure sister 2 watch j-dramas..
anyway.. don’t mine u pass it to me right??? hehe i oso wanna watch attention please T.T
hahha.. i moved out windows live mssg ages ago… damn hard to update that stupiak site… (no offences)