WEEK’O – in before SPM

Whassup folks, how’s your preparation for SPM? Anyway, whether you’re fully prepared or touched nothing, I’m putting aside SPM from this post.


I know it is kinda weird for me to write about this… but before I move into ChoonYong’s house, I never had any chance to see any Indians having Deepavali countdown, I don’t even know that there’s countdown for Deepavali. Since there aren’t much Indians live near my house.

I won’t blog it If it was just an ordinary festival countdown, however, I found something odd in the celebration… Fireworks are normal for any events or festivals… and the Indians are playing/burning fireworks for the celebration… Everything seems normal to this point… Until I see them lighting up the long-red-firecrackers… well, the firecrackers that we Chinese burn during Chinese New Year or other events (wedding)… Ironically, the highest/largest/last firecracker has the word “福”… zzz

Do they know what’s the meaning/purpose of it… or they just learn from what they see… or I’m making a fuss over what I see for first time……


We’re facing a crisis of rats because the rats lived in ChoonYong’s deserted found that there’s food in the house… After we live here for 3-4weeks, the rats start to attack our kitchen…

In order to defend our foods, we start to counter their attacks by setting up mouse traps… and We successfuly trapped 4 mouses in a week!!! 2 of them are being released into nature by PeiFeng and HwaZien… and I killed the another 1.. while last 1, I give it to ChoonYong’s dog to play with… but the mouse ran away from the dog…

We found that there’s still some mouse in the house… but its getting harder and harder to trap them. Maybe they’ve found out that their comrades were being missing one by one…

I guess we should try to change our tactics in order to terminate them…

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